Monday, November 23, 2009

New Beginning

This excerpt is from Valley of Vision:

Incomprehensible, Great, and Glorious God,
I adore thee and abase myself.
I approach thee mindful that I am less than nothing,
a creature worse than nothing.
My thoughts are not screened from thy gaze,
My secret sins blaze in the light of thy countenance.
Enable me to remember that blood which cleanseth all sin,
to believe in that grace which subdues all iniquities,
to resign myself to that agency
which can deliver me from the bondage of corruption
into the glorious liberty of the sons of God.

Monday, November 2, 2009


I can think of 100 other things that I could be doing with my life right now. Things that wouldn't bring such controversy. However, the key word is "my". It is not mine to have. I was created for His glory, therefore, I will stand for truth and righteousness at whatever the cost. I'm not seeking approval from others or trying to win their affections. I seek to exalt Christ and encourage others who claim His name to live by His standards. I don't want to be doing 100 other things....I want continue to point young people to truth and to have enormous care for the condition of their eternal soul. This is my conviction and my calling.